
Inquiry Hub -

Here are some key resources for the Inquiry Hub’s 2017 Cmolik Prize for the Enhancement of Public Education in BC Application.

Update: We were named one of 3 Finalists for this Prize. See details about the winner, the co-finalist, and those that made the honour roll here.


A video playlist of videos created by our students:


Inquiry Hub was the winner of the 2015 Canadian Education Association’s Ken Spencer Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning: Winners Brochure 



Letter of Support ~ Gordon Li

Director of Learning Technologies and District Outreach,

BC Ministry of Education.


Here are two of our competency-based courses that students get credit for while working on their passion projects during DCL:

Foundations of Inquiry 11 and Applications of Digital Learning.

After students work on these courses for the first 2 years, they then move on to IDS – Independent Directed Studies that they design with a teacher.


An Ignite presentation by Inquiry Hub Teacher/Facilitator John Sarte.

“Personalized, student-driven, learning opportunities at Inquiry Hub created during inquiry time called DCL…

Dedicated time for students to Dream, Create, and Learn.” 



Creating the time and space for self-directed, personalized, inquiry learning.

The above post includes an infographic created for the Cmolik application:

Creating Inquiry Time to Dream Create Learn – PDF, and

Creating Inquiry Time to Dream-Create-Learn – JPG.


Student Projects:

An app developed by our  students, which took on a life of its own.


An Independent Directed Study (IDS) “Cali & Ko.” ~ A web comic with a focus on representing diversity.

garden-sunflowers-768x576The story behind Our Community Garden ~ One of Inquiry Hub’s first inquiry projects.


Our L.A.R.P. ~ Live Action Role Play.

logo-history-768x432How Inquiry Hub’s Logo came to be.

Want to see more?

We will continue to add new stories about student work at Inquiry Hub to:


A Poster Presentation at ISTE 2016, Denver Colorado

Resources from a presentation at the BC School Superintendents Association Conference:

Resources for the Inquiry Hub BCSSA 2015 Fall Conference Presentation

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